beaconchina, an us oriented leader in recruitment, training and hr / career consulting, is expert at providing innovative hr / career solutions to both the world's largest corporations and emerging growth companies. founded in 1981 in us and then has since been expanded in china in 2000, we firmly adhere to a distinctive vision and mission that aimed at achieving two goals - to place our clients' interests first and to lead our profession in creating value for our clients through our solution oriented service. <br><br>beaconchina is well-known of the dedicated group of professionals. many of our senior consultants held executive roles in major multinationals prior to joining beaconchina. our rich mix of chinese nationals and westerners from the us, australia,taiwan and hong kong bring us a vast amount of cultural knowledge and international experience together to complete each placement flawlessly.<br><br>one aspect of active career management is building a long-term relationship with carefully chosen executive search firm. numerous high caliber individuals have such a relationship with us. you are highly expected to join them. welcome to bring your cv/ résumé to life to career@beaconchina.com.